Sunday, November 1, 2009

I LOVE this GIRL!!!!!

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I have said before and will say again, God gave me Caroline because he knew I needed her. There is very little I teach her, but so much she teaches me everyday. She teaches me how to be happy, to love others, and to accept myself for who I am. I am so blessed to be her mother and share in her spirit.

I love you Caroline. Happy 13th Birthday! (Actual Birthday was October 22)

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Ready, Set, Go!

We spent much of Labor Day weekend at our lot. Gerald mowed the weeds with our old, rickety lawn mower, laid out the footprint and got everything ready for the excavators to come this week. Andrew was so excited for the project to get moving he even helped by cutting the weeds with scissors and starting the hole. Despite his enthusiasm, I still think we better use the professionals for this job :)

Ironically enough, as Gerald was mowing the park strip, a baby snake jumped out of the weeds and slithered down the gutter. Hopefully, this is a sign that we are through with snakes (in more ways then one). I think if I see another one I will put the lot back up for sale, bring the snake back to our rental house to eat the spiders, and crawl under my covers until the second coming. Yuck!!!

I drive by the lot at least twice a day taking the kids to school. This morning I was excited to see that the excavation team is ready to go... they had blue stakes out before 8 am this morning.

Prolouge (or perhaps more aptly titled "Three snakes in the Grass")

Finally, after 6 months of tears, frustration, and soul searching, the excitement begins. (I know this is long, but I also know many people have been asking what is going on with our home, if you are one that wanted to know, read on, if not, my feelings will not be hurt.)

Many of you know that we decided it was time to move last October, and began looking for a new home in November. Our house went up for sale in April, sold in June, and we have been "homeless" ever since. On June 27th, knowing we had to be out of our home in 2 days and desperate for a roof over the kids heads we signed a lease on a home in Clearfield (about 1 mile west of where we lived for the last 10 years). The home is in ill repair, bug infested, and only has 3 bedrooms so we are anxious to make this stay as short as possible.

When we set out on this process we had decided to only look at existing homes. We know how particular and strong headed both Gerald and I can be about things we want and felt the best way for us to reach a compromise on a home and keep our marriage intact would be to know we would have to both make concessions and find a home we could both agree on. Well, after looking at 150+ homes in Davis County, we still stuggled. For Gerald either the location was not right, power lines in back yard, high water table causing flooding in basement, not large enough yard for the garden he wants, or the dining room was too small for our table. (Yes, he measured each home with a tape measure when we got there). For me it was not enough bedrooms, too small family room/kitchen, poorly designed floor plan, or just plain homes that were not taken care of and had way too much repair/cleaning work.

Many well meaning family and friends would call with a listing they knew would be just "perfect" for us. Unaware that we really have looked at EVERY home in the area in our price range (even many above and below) that came up for sale in the last 10 months. In other words, if it had a for sale sign up (or even if they were thinking of selling it, we had ALREADY been inside). Despite the most patient realtor ever, a 12 year old daughter that spent many, many, many hours babysitting, and a computer that had 3 or 4 different MLS sites running simulaneously a minimum of 4 hours each day, our house simply wasn't out there.

Mostly out of frustration, we began looking at building our home. We began talking to the bigger builders, learning that pretty much all we were able to get through them was a tract home similar to the one we had before. Then we then began interviewing custom builders. To our surprise, not only were they better priced, but allowed us the flexiblity to get exactly (to a point) what we were looking for.

We settled on a price, lot, and builder, and began designing our home. Or so we thought. Each time we called the owner of the lot (snake #1) to place an offer he 1)would tell us either he had another offer and we had to raise our offer to match, or 2)he would raise the price of the lot the day our offer came in. I suppose he thought we wanted it so bad we would pay anything. Well, the lot is still available if anyone wants to play his games. (Not to mention, the beautiful view that sold us on the lot has been now blocked by an enourmous "monument" of a home so I anticipate the lot sitting vacant for many years to come.) Not getting that lot, our builder (snake #2) convinced us our only option was to build in Layton. The whole purpose we had wanted to move was to get to Kaysville and cut down on my 6 x per day commute there. Feeling defeted, we agreed, signed an intent to purchase agreement on the new lot, and began the count down to start. In the mean time we began doing some research on our new lot. We found out the now quite area was soon to be surrounded by 2 major collector roads to the freeway and a new highway that is being built in our area. About 3 weeks into this process I got a call from Gerald early in the morning. He was driving by Kaysville on his way to work and felt very strogly that we needed to cancel the contract on the lot and look in Kaysville again despite the financial hardship of increasing the price of the home 30K.

By that night we had found a new lot, verbally set a contract and were off to the races... or so we thought. Our contractor sent the offer in then began acting very strange. After making several concessions to him already to get this project started, (such as paying $1700 for house plans my archetect sister-in-law and structural engineer husband were working on for free), he began changing the game. He began conviently forgetting things like the bedrooms and bathroom he had agreed to finish in the basement, the fact that this was a custom home meaning I was able to pick out things like faucets and lighting that I liked. Then the kicker, as he began removing all these items... cutting the carpet allowance in half, and making it all but impossible to meet the budget and have the house we had envisioned, he raised the price $15K. Even if we wanted to, we could no longer afford the home... and the new lot.

Gerald set up an appointment with him to go over the budget to better undersand his numbers. (To this point we had priced out 2/3 of the home already and couldn't understand why his numbers were coming in so high.) The appointment was for 4pm on Monday, by 1pm I received a call from Gerald that the contractor had decided he could not build our house. The excuse he gave was that if he only had to work with Gerald it would be okay, but because I cried at our last meeting and voiced my opinion that I felt he had been dishonest with us by suddenly changing the game at the last minute, he could not work with me. I felt this was interesting, because he had only met me twice, and I mostly let Gerald do all the talking. Now, being without a contractor meant once again being without a lot because in our contract he was the one carrying the loan on the lot. (I could get into all the legaleze here of how he was in breech of contract by terminating the agreement and our legal rights to sue, but we just wanted to purchase the lot, move on and build our home.)

Easier said than done. After several phone calls to the owner of the lot, we felt safe that we could still move on, and purchase the lot after the contractor cancelled our contract. In fact, more than once a verbal agreement was made that the lot was ours. We went forward, applied with 3 banks for construction loans, and in the process agreed to the appraisal of the home (built on that lot). Then the kicker, the appraisal came though and the owner of the lot would not return any of our calls. Finally, a week later and after several attempts on our part, he called. Knowing all we had already invested into this lot, he saw the oppurtunity to take advantage of us... (third snake in the grass!!!) He informed my husband that if we did not increase our offer $5000 he would not sell to us. (Here I could go over all the issues I now have with this man's intregity, and all the opputuntities he had to increase his asking price over the previous 3 weeks before we invested so much money into the process, but again, we knew he conciously made the decision to take advantage of us... the phrase "kick a horse when he's down" applies very well... even his wife admitted how uncomfortable she felt with the situation, but that is a whole story of it's own. However, if anyone is looking for a financial advisor in Davis County, I know who NOT to reccomend.)

At this point, we called up our very kind, and very patient realtor again, looked at all the homes that had come up on the market during the last 3 months hoping to find an acceptable compromise. Unfortunately, we were just left with an even stronger impression that we need to build, in Kaysville, on that lot. All our prayers that this man would decide to be honest, uphold his verbal contracts, and be blessed for it were for naught, and we ultimately felt that perhaps we would be blessed for giving in, tightening our belts and moving forward, knowing we did all we could, and cannot change the situation.

Last Tuesday we were informed our construtction loan was approved as Gerald as our contractor, by Thursday we had closed on the lot... and now the fun begins.

(I must add here, we looked at many beautiful homes in Kaysville that are and were for sale that someone will absolutely love... perhaps even you... but they were simply not for us for one reason or another.)

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Road Rage and Cell Phones

While I have seen road rage occur, and been flipped off more than a few times, I have NEVER experienced what happened to me today.

I was driving home from work around 3:45pm. I had hit Bountiful when my cell phone rang. I make it a point not to carry on conversations while I am driving, but I do like my kids to check in so I know they got home from school okay and I can tell them how far I am from getting home. I had barely answered the phone when a car that was behind me and to the right apparently didn't like that I had answered the phone. He sped up and made his way into my lane directly beside me(until his car was taking up half my lane). I had no where to go. There was a truck immediately to my left. The driver of the car kept pointing at my phone and yelling... what I don't know... I immediately dropped my phone and floored the gas to get in front of the truck and over before I was pushed into it from the side.

I haven't decided if this jerk was trying to purposely cause me to be in an accident and hoping I would become yet another "cell phone" statistic, even though my driving had been safe up until his little antics, or if he thought he was saving the world from the devil and her 10 second phone call... but I do know, what I did was not illegal in the state of Utah and what he did was!

After I made it out front of the truck I reached to pick up my phone, which had fallen on the floor, swerving to get it... so yes, at this point, I was shaking, swerving, and freaking out, not because the phone call, but because the jerk almost killed me! I picked up my phone and immediately began dialing 911.. the only thing I could think to do... Unfortunately, either the jerk saw me dialing and guessed who I was calling, or in his haste to free the world of the devil herself--driving a mini-van on a sparse freeway, he quickly exited, cutting off 2 cars and barely making it off the ramp (way outside the road) before I could get his license plate number.

So, here is the question... was his solution worth putting all the cars in the freeway at risk because he was not happy with my 10 second call? I don't think so. Did he cause me to change my ways... he sure did... I picked up the phone and had conversations all the way home just to calm my nerves!

Please note... I do not advocate cell phone use while driving, never had, never will... especially texting!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

For Sale

I now know why others in my neighborhood are so secretive about their plans to move. I always thought they were just snotty (and for some, that is accurate... but that is a story for another post I think) but I think many of them have felt as conflicted as I do...

We listed 3 weeks ago. I told the realtor he was NOT to put a sign in my yard, because I was not sure if we were ready to move or not. We have placed an offer on a short-sale, but I am not holding my breath. I HATE SHORT SALES (which is also a story for another post, but I will say, how do people say they are honest and upright when they openly lie in the prices they list short sales at... if you are still in the dark and think they are great deals, just talk to the many honest realtors who will not even show them anymore...)

So, long story short... yes our house is for sale, no, we don't have a place to go yet. If the house in Kaysville doesn't come through the sign may just come down. We are looking at other options such as building, but reality is, there are so many questions and so few answers. I don't even know if anyone will even buy my house. In short, nothing is for certain until the final paper is signed on not only our little cottage we live in now, and a place we can call home for the many years to come. And those who know me, the one thing I despise most is uncertainty!!!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Working Mom

I really hate that term, because it implies everything I have done for the past 12 years has been play... are you kidding me? It has been the hardest work of my life! Unfortunately, I have found myself in the situation that, as much as I enjoyed my "previous" job, it didn't pay much, so now, I am officially a "Working Mom".

I have never been one to judge people for their choices. I was raised by a mom who worked, at times because we needed the income, and at times because she needed the break. I don't feel cheated... in fact, I think she is the reason I made it through high school. If she hadn't been there with me, I am not sure I would have ever graduated. I just never thought my kids would be so glad I now have a job. They can't wait to get me out of the house. They can't wait to have a babysitter... I am wondering if I should have just worked from the start. Jayden has never been happier in his life than he has while counting down the days until he gets to be babysat!

That being said. I don't really want to be a working mom. I am already overwhelmed by the day to day running of my household. We have pretty tough schedules (totally self-inficted) but sometimes it is all I can do to remember to get everyone where they need to be. Now it is my turn to be somewhere too.

I am excited that I finally get to use my schooling... not excited that I no longer can use the excuse "when my degree makes me money, I'll donate" to those pesky BYU solicitors... UGH!

I must admit, I am excited for that first paycheck though...

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Jayden is 6!

Ugh! So, I missed it again... pretend it is February 2nd, okay!

Happy Birthday Jayden. I love you!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Parent Teacher Conferences

I survived! I did cry a little though... okay, a lot (but I did wait until I got home.)

Being a mom is a huge job. That is why I send my kids to school. I do the mom stuff, the cooking, cleaning, helping with homework, and all that. Caroline has long passed my memory of school, so Gerald helps her out. I read with Jayden, make sure Susanna and Jessica are reading, too. I think all is going well, but then... PARENT TEACHER CONFERENCE. Now, I just need to vent a little...

So, one teacher asked me if I still am mad at her over the science fair debacle. Truthfully, I never was mad--just overwhelmed. I know nothing about science, and a little more direction would have been nice before we had the project all done. She was not aware that no one in my family had ever done a science fair project before.

One teacher was just as frustrated as I was that the Internet scheduler messed up all my appointments. I even registered early to get the spots I wanted because my crazy schedule. Well, my confirmation e-mail was perfect. I had no idea that I would not get the spot I signed up for. In fact, I didn't even get to go to that conference because her only opening left was during Caroline's soccer practice 30 minutes away. Gerald had to take the afternoon off work to attend that one.

One teacher told me all my daughter's math scores were tops, however, when I asked if that meant she was at grade level, I was informed that they were doing math from the previous year to begin with. That is all fine and dandy... but it is kind of late for review, there are only 3 months left in THIS school year!

One teacher told me I needed to teach my child to read, and write, because he was so far behind. Okay, forgive me if I am wrong. I read to my child, I look at his school work, and we work on counting. I even listen to him read a little... but he is really struggling and I lose my patience and my temper very easily after the fourth time he has forgotten how to read the word "it", and that is just on the FIRST page. I can talk about nutrition until the cows come home.

I can make a diet plan for a diabetic and calculate the caloric needs of a burn patient. I can even teach school children about the Food Guide Pyramid... but I can't teach them to read. I don't know all the little tricks the teachers learn in in their schooling. I have no problem reinforcing what has already been taught... but I AM NOT THE TEACHER!

I have a hard time sending my children to school already... I miss them so much while they are at school. Even to the point I consider home schooling every year. But in the end, the conclusion is while I can teach many wonderful things, I am not equipped with enough knowledge to cover the academics I feel my children need.

Well, at least I'm done with the conferences until next year!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Locks of Love

All three of my girls have now donated to Locks of Love. Jessica was the latest to donate... her hair is very thin, and I swear for some reason thin hair grows slower. I am so proud of them. when other girls may be thinking of their vanity, they sincerely WANT to help people in need. I know I would not be so brave!

Jessica's hair is shorter then I would have liked... words to the wise... if you are going to get you and your daughter's hair cut, don't do it at the same time... but it will grow, and her hair was so stringy I'm sure this hair cut will stay in place more.

If you are thinking of a haircut, I can't think of a better thing than to donate the hair to children in need. Even if you can't take off the 10 inches, I think they will take shorter strands and sell them to other companies to allow them to keep making wigs.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Children are Replaceable, Jewelry is NOT!

Oh wait, scratch that, it is the other way around, I think.

So, here is how my Birthday started... Andrew left his robe lying in the family room after prayers last night, so I went to hang it up in the bathroom. While I was there I noticed my wedding band on the counter... alone! Where was my engagement ring? Andrew is good at remembering things so I called him upstairs. I calmly showed him the band and asked if he'd seen the other part. Yep, he said and took me into my bathroom to show me where he said he had left it. He said he was wearing it last night and took it off when he brushed his teeth.

Now, you may ask, why did he have my ring in the first place... every day for 15 years I have taken my rings off when I go to bed... and every day for 15 years they have been on the nightstand where I put them. None of my children have ever touched them... I never expected to have him do it now.

The ring was not on the counter... as you could have guessed. I searched the garbage next to the counter and even pulled the sink apart... no luck. However, in the sink trap there were 2 earrings. I took the earrings and put them where Andrew said he left the ring. I hit them, where did they go... into the toilet!!! I knew I would never see my ring again.

So, despite the tears, tearing the house apart trying to find the ring, crying myself silly, it was still my birthday, therefore, I had plans to go out to eat with my friends. Gerald knew how upset I was, so he came home from work to continue to look. He searched, called the insurance company, and a plumber. Pretty much coming to the same conclusion I had... the ring was gone!

Now, let me say here, the ring is nothing special... the diamond is small and the setting is simple, but it is MY ring. It was given to me 15 years ago by the man I love because HE loved me... and therefore, I love IT! As I contemplated buying a new one, I couldn't fathom having a different ring... it is NOT REPLACEABLE!

Poor Andrew, he thought he was going to go to jail for stealing my ring... he was more upset than I was... and I have to say... I didn't help! I never even tried to comfort him (and probably put the jail idea into his head in the first place).

Long story short, or a little shorter anyway, I went to lunch... Gerald and the kids searched. I noticed on my way out my kitchen floor REALLY needed swept... mental note, sweep when I get home. Gerald noticed the floor REALLY needed swept... mental note, sweep before the plumber comes or Kathryn will be embarrassed. Jessica noticed the kitchen floor really needed swept, but also noticed a little shiny thing at the edge of the floor and the railing... MOM's RING!!! So, if only I had taken the 2 minutes... or Gerald had gotten to it in all his haste... but we hadn't. Gerald had barely enough time to call the insurance company back and tell the plumber not to come, and I got the best birthday present EVER (who says re-gifting is a bad thing)... and from now on, the ring goes in the Jewelry Box, not just next to it!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Memories that are Meant to Last

One of my favorite things I've done this school year is Donut Day. I take Caroline to school in Kaysville (which is 20 minutes away) at 8:45am. Then, I have to turn around and get Andrew to preschool at 9:30. Andrew's preschool is at the half way point from our home (about 10 minutes away). It never made sense to me to drive all the way home, then have to immediately turn around and take Andrew to school (especially with gas prices hovering around $4.50 a gallon). That's when I had the great idea for donuts for breakfast!

Once we drop off Caroline, I take the boys to get a donut (they usually get two, eat one for breakfast and one for lunch... really, I did study nutrition... and I have the degree to prove it!) I love it! There are 4 donut shops along our route... we have tried all of them and chosen our favorite. Mine is Bowman's in Kaysville and Andrew's and Jayden's is Krispy Kreme.

Today we went to Krispy Kreme... I think the boys like it because then they get 3 donuts... I don't count the free one! I love sitting in the car for 15 minutes eating donuts, talking and being silly! I know I will remember Thursday mornings forever. I hope my boys do too!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Highlights for Caroline

I wanted to share some of the beautiful music I've come to enjoy...
Caroline Scored several goals in futsol, this is the only one I was able to capture...OUCH!

Andrew is 4!!!

So, yet again, I am a little late with this one. I can't believe my baby is 4... it seems like yesterday I was celebrating Caroline's 1st birthday... wow, how time flies.

Here are some highlights of this year with Andrew....

  • watching him learn to read, write, and everything in between. I am so amazed at his constant quest for knowledge and the joy he finds in learning.

  • hearing him philosophize (sp.. probably not even a word) in the car. His discussions are so far beyond his young age!
  • I especially liked his theory on what would happen if the street lights went out.his joy of seeing Santa and their reindeer flying in the sky... in October!!!

  • his hugs and kisses

  • and of course, his silly sense of humor

I love you Andrew! And yes, I know it is horrible, but you will always be "my baby"!