Sunday, January 25, 2009

Locks of Love

All three of my girls have now donated to Locks of Love. Jessica was the latest to donate... her hair is very thin, and I swear for some reason thin hair grows slower. I am so proud of them. when other girls may be thinking of their vanity, they sincerely WANT to help people in need. I know I would not be so brave!

Jessica's hair is shorter then I would have liked... words to the wise... if you are going to get you and your daughter's hair cut, don't do it at the same time... but it will grow, and her hair was so stringy I'm sure this hair cut will stay in place more.

If you are thinking of a haircut, I can't think of a better thing than to donate the hair to children in need. Even if you can't take off the 10 inches, I think they will take shorter strands and sell them to other companies to allow them to keep making wigs.

1 comment:

Tamaratravel said...

We did that a couple of years ago with Anna-Maria..I had been growing since she was born so it was a heart break but worth it when they cut it...She loved the idea of others using her hair for good...Great Job Girls......