Tuesday, December 30, 2008


Christmas is such a wonderful time of year. I love the snow. I love the lights. I love being with family. Most of all, I love presents!
This year we tried to keep the gift-giving simple... only practical things, you know... but it is amazing how, when push comes to shove, I can really make anything sound practical... like, "Gerald, the kids really need to have Nintindo DS's for all the time they spend in the car", and "what is more important for a boy than a race track for all the cars he has", or "Gerald, you really did need that putter because when you golf (that one work tournament per year) it is a reflection on how well you work, therefore, a reflection on your company...and whether or not you get that next big project or not."
I fully admit, I did go overboard... but show me a mom who doesn't, and I will show you a mom who is so totally confident in herself she doesn't feel the need to prove her worth by buying presents... and that is NOT me! More presents... more love... right!
Anyway, despite it all the kids had a lot of fun on Christmas despite the 3 present rule. Caroline loved her ipod and the others their game systems (Andrew got a leapster2). Even I got a few presents this year, which surprised me, because Gerald is notorious for "forgetting" me or just giving me the brand new kitchen utensil the day he bought it thinking it would come in handy before Christmas for those big family dinners. I had even bought myself a blouse to wrap and pretend the kids picked it out... but this year he came through (even with the tighter budget).
The thing I love most about Christmas is the 2 weeks of no school. I can sleep in and play with the kids all I want... unfortunately as they are growing older they'd rather play with their friends, and Caroline is swamped with homework... but we have gotten some good family time too. Sledding, movies, and the like. I will be sad when they go back to school! But for the time being I am just grateful for our many, many, many blessings... especially simply having each other.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Day 5 (and done)...

Today marks my 5th day on the couch... ugh! I can't stand it! I am not a particularly busy person, but I am also not a couch potato. I am going crazy...

So, I should've gotten up and moved around right after the surgery... then I wouldn't be so sore, but I did like being taken care of and probably took way too much advantage of that. (Gerald took a few days off work). I guess it is shower and back to real life today.

Wish me luck!