Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Ready, Set, Go!

We spent much of Labor Day weekend at our lot. Gerald mowed the weeds with our old, rickety lawn mower, laid out the footprint and got everything ready for the excavators to come this week. Andrew was so excited for the project to get moving he even helped by cutting the weeds with scissors and starting the hole. Despite his enthusiasm, I still think we better use the professionals for this job :)

Ironically enough, as Gerald was mowing the park strip, a baby snake jumped out of the weeds and slithered down the gutter. Hopefully, this is a sign that we are through with snakes (in more ways then one). I think if I see another one I will put the lot back up for sale, bring the snake back to our rental house to eat the spiders, and crawl under my covers until the second coming. Yuck!!!

I drive by the lot at least twice a day taking the kids to school. This morning I was excited to see that the excavation team is ready to go... they had blue stakes out before 8 am this morning.

1 comment:

Kevin and Michelle... said...

I want to see pictures of the finished house!