Tuesday, December 30, 2008


Christmas is such a wonderful time of year. I love the snow. I love the lights. I love being with family. Most of all, I love presents!
This year we tried to keep the gift-giving simple... only practical things, you know... but it is amazing how, when push comes to shove, I can really make anything sound practical... like, "Gerald, the kids really need to have Nintindo DS's for all the time they spend in the car", and "what is more important for a boy than a race track for all the cars he has", or "Gerald, you really did need that putter because when you golf (that one work tournament per year) it is a reflection on how well you work, therefore, a reflection on your company...and whether or not you get that next big project or not."
I fully admit, I did go overboard... but show me a mom who doesn't, and I will show you a mom who is so totally confident in herself she doesn't feel the need to prove her worth by buying presents... and that is NOT me! More presents... more love... right!
Anyway, despite it all the kids had a lot of fun on Christmas despite the 3 present rule. Caroline loved her ipod and the others their game systems (Andrew got a leapster2). Even I got a few presents this year, which surprised me, because Gerald is notorious for "forgetting" me or just giving me the brand new kitchen utensil the day he bought it thinking it would come in handy before Christmas for those big family dinners. I had even bought myself a blouse to wrap and pretend the kids picked it out... but this year he came through (even with the tighter budget).
The thing I love most about Christmas is the 2 weeks of no school. I can sleep in and play with the kids all I want... unfortunately as they are growing older they'd rather play with their friends, and Caroline is swamped with homework... but we have gotten some good family time too. Sledding, movies, and the like. I will be sad when they go back to school! But for the time being I am just grateful for our many, many, many blessings... especially simply having each other.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Day 5 (and done)...

Today marks my 5th day on the couch... ugh! I can't stand it! I am not a particularly busy person, but I am also not a couch potato. I am going crazy...

So, I should've gotten up and moved around right after the surgery... then I wouldn't be so sore, but I did like being taken care of and probably took way too much advantage of that. (Gerald took a few days off work). I guess it is shower and back to real life today.

Wish me luck!

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving

I couldn't let today go by without wishing each and every one of you a "Happy Thanksgiving!" I often think of the song from Wicked when I think about how many people have come into my life... but unlike Glenda, I can say I do know that because I know all of you, I have been changed for the better... Thanks!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Why you should get your wisdom teeth out at 18...

So, I got my wisdom teeth out yesterday...finally! Yes, it is about 15 years late, but they were causing so much problems I had to do it. So, here is my top 10 reasons why I shouldn't have waited....
10) I had my kindergartner with me. (I droped Andrew off at preschool on the way)
9) I cried. Yes, there were tears, before the dentist started, I was so afraid. I am suprised he could even keep hold on my teeth I was shaking so bad.
8) Because I am now an adult, I had to pay for it (no longer mom and dad's insurance) therefore, I could not afford to be put to sleep.
7) My roots were so long, they grew over the bone, and wraped themselves around eachother. This made it especially fun because every time he pulled, my head lifted 2 inches off the chair... and unfortunatley, I was awake (see #8)....
6) I had no time to recover, off to get Jayden to Kindergarten and pick up Andrew from preschool. (and yes, to be completly honest, I was still shaky and traumatized, and probably shouldn't have been driving)
5) Had to pick up my own prescription, with the gauze still in my mouth... why did I choose Target Pharmacy... I wouldn't have been out of place at all at Walmart!
4) Still no down time, and couldn't take the medicine either, because I had to get Caroline from school....
3) Off to babysit 80 kids at the Stake Musical practice from 6-9:45pm... at least I wasn't bleeding so I could take out the gauze...
2) There is no one to take care of me... at least at 18 most moms will cook, do laundry, and drive you where you need to be when you feel like crud!
1) NO MORE TOOTH FAIRY!!!! What's the point, I didn't even get 50 cents.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

The Greatest Kindergarteners in the World

I just really wanted to thank all the children (and their parents) in Jayden's kindergarten class. As many of you know, my family has really bad luck with teeth... to the tune of thousands of dollars in dental fees per year. Jayden is no exception.

Monday, Jayden missed school to have his top two front teeth pulled out. I either had a bad infection when I was pregnant with him, or it was the medicine I took to get rid of the migranes, but his enamel did not form correctly, causing one of the teeth to have cavities by 18 months. The other one was so tightly in, we couldn't brush between them very well. His bottom 2 front teeth have already fallen out naturally. The dentist warned us that his mouth is so small his permanent teeth were turning sideways which would add up to huge orthodontic expenses later (among other things). So, we had them pulled.

Long story short, I was devistated. He has a huge space, that could be there for up to a year, and I was sure people would tease him. I was anxious to think how he would be treated at school. But I shouldn't have been. Although, it is taking a while for me to get used to his new look, his friends accepted him with open arms.

My conversation after-school today with Jayden went as follows:

Me: "Did anyone notice your missing teeth?"
Jayden: "Yeah, I told the whole class"
Me: Trying to hold back every ounce of fear that his feelings were hurt. "What did they say"
Jayden: "They all said it was'COOL'!"
Me: Grateful for every single kid in that class! They not only made Jayden's day, they made mine too!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

My CraZy Life

So, guess what, school started! For many mom's that's a great thing. For me, well, I hate it! I just want my kids home, I want to do things on my schedule, I want to not miss my kids all the time!

That's what I get when my best friends are 11, 10, 8, 5, and 3... maybe I should just make adult friends, but who has the time? I just filled out my September calendar and just with the few things I already know, I am swamped! So, I thought I would share a little of my schedule with you...

10 trips to Kaysville and back for Caroline's school
3 AYSO soccer teams (games and practice)
1 competition travel team (2 practices...again to Kaysville...and 2 games per week)
1 piano practice (my only time to myself... and Lindsey)
2 days morning pre-school (to Kaysville and back yet again!)
1 day morning play group (I teach/assist 2 months this year)
5 days afternoon kindergarten
1 husband who isn't home before 7 pm... many days 8 pm because of work
2 daughters begging to take dance

Friends, Family Home Evening, Date Nights, and all the other things have to fit in somewhere. Honestly, I feel like I am raising Andrew and Jayden in the van... who really needs a home anyway?

So, I don't post for you to feel sorry for me or to compare busy lives. I just post so you understand when I forget to show at an appointment, am extra crabby, or fall asleep during our next conversation.... PLEASE, PLEASE FORGIVE ME , this to shall pass...

Thursday, August 14, 2008

It's Here, It's Finally Here!

After a month of living in disarray, we are finally moved back into our house. The carpet looks great, and the kids furniture just arrived this afternoon. We were worried that perhaps the movers would have a hard time getting the furniture into the basement.... but all went well. Jessica absolutely loves her new room and I'm hoping Caroline will too, once she sees it.

I am mourning the loss of the play-room/office, but I know our family will be better off with the computer upstairs where it can be monitored better, and quite frankly, my hope is to not live here much longer anyhow.

This all started when I couldn't stand my ivory-colored carpet one more minute and decided to go dark... I went to a local carpet store that was having a sale, picked out the darkest carpet I could find, and within 15 minutes had it ordered and ready... then I had to get the house ready! It took 2 weeks (we did have to postpone installation once) but finally we were ready. Afterwards, though, we decided the carpet was too nice for our old furniture... off it went to DI and then the chaos ensued. We hoped the girls would fight less with their own rooms... usually they fight over who made the mess mom was freaking out about (because of course, you know none of them would ever leave their clothes on the floor) or that nobody was helping them clean it up (even though mom, who absolutely didn't make the mess cleans everything up--eventually!)

So, the furniture took another 3 weeks, but now it is here, and we can all sleep well in our own beds tonight. Yea!

Monday, August 4, 2008


Well, I finally did it. I braved Lagoon-a-Beach with all of my kids on Friday... and they all lived! Not a single drowning, no one got lost, not even a life-gaurd rescue! Miracle, if you ask me. We had so much fun, we went back today! Notice, no pictures though. There is no way I could have done 5 kids and a camera with just me...

maybe someday my sweet Gerald will have time to join us. I worry he is missing out on so much fun with the kids. How I hate that someone has to pay the bills!

Monday, July 14, 2008

The Journey of a Lifetime

Here it goes, I was not going to post about this, well, because it is quite personal to me, but now I feel like I have no choice...

Ever since I was 7 years old I have struggled with weight issues. My life changed drastically that year, and to comfort myself I found a close friend with food.

In the years to follow I did everything I knew to try to stop the rapid increase of my body size, even to the degree of being bulimic in college. (My purge of choice was not the common one of throwing up, but exercising on the treadmill until the calorie counter was 20-40% above the calories I had eaten that day.)

I chose Dietetics as a major in college, hoping to learn all I could about nutrition, selfishly, to help out only me. I was spiralling out of control and honestly didn't know where else to turn.

Well... that takes me to January 16, 2008.... my 34th birthday. I spent years of pain and suffering, and after 5 kids felt I had no where else to turn but to surgery. I begged Gerald for the last five years for it, but he wasn't willing to accept the risks if anything went wrong... and, typical of naturally lean people, he didn't understand why exercise and diet couldn't work for me... as if I hadn't tried!!!! Well, this particual day, he finally saw my pain, knew that I wasn't a good mom, wife, dietitian, all the labels I have, because I hated myself more than anything. That night at dinner he finally aquiesed, with one stipulation, that I do all I can this year to lose whatever weight I could, and if, after a year of trying, I did not succeed, then I could have the surgery.

That same night, my parents stopped by with a present and an offer... they wanted to return to Weight Watchers (my mother had been very successful with it in the past and is a lifetime member) and wanted me to go with them. It took me two weeks to think about it, but I knew if I was going to follow Gerald's stipulations, and if anything was going to work, I needed to go.

Fast forward to June 2008. I had lost 42 pounds... with the help of Weight Watchers and a doctor who was so willing to discuss every prescription I take, and how to improve my chances of losing weight. (I have hypothyroidism so out of control that in the past, any attempt to raise my metabolism has been met with complete body shut down and chronic fatigue). I was ecstatic... I was not even half way to my goal... but for the first time in my life I felt in control.


My family came to town. For most people this is a happy, joyous occasion, and I'm not saying that I have a horrible family. They are wonderful people, but there are emotions that run deep of being teased, disliked, and never really feeling accepted (yes, I think anyone with 3 older brothers could say the same thing). All those emotions came out, and after 7 weeks of finding my old best-friend, looking stunning as always in that gorgeous prom dress of shimmering fat and sugary lace that was always such a comfort to me in times like this. After sitting by my side, comforting me several times a week (always at family picnics) I lost control. She became my constant companion. I couldn't wake up with out looking for her, and of course, she was the very last person I said good night to before drifting off to sleep.

Luckily, in the last 7 or so weeks, I only put on 6 pounds... oh, it could have been so much worse... but 6 pounds has feels like such a failure that I don't know where to go from here. I have kicked my friend out of the house, but that treadmill that took her place so many months ago is so lonely... just begging for a little romp... just a few times a week... but I can't find my strength... I am so afraid of failure that I even missed my last 2 weeks at Weight Watchers meetings.

So, why do I post now? Because I need support! I need encouragement! I need friends, new friends, not old tasty ones! I need to finish this journey... and I finally realized that I cannot do it alone, that I do not have the strength to keep going on my own, so now I am inviting you to come along.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Jessica Hit the Big 1-0!

Happy Birthday Jessica! How does it feel to be in double digits now? Wow, I can't believe how quickly the time goes...

For Jessica's birthday she wanted to go to Lagoon with just me and then out to dinner. We rode Lady Bug Bop, Tidal Wave, Swings, Screamer, Colosus, Spider, Log Ride, Rattle Snake Rapids, Boomerang (3 times), Tilt a Whirl, HydroLouge, Rocket blast-off, Merry go round, and the Wood Roller Coaster. It was a long hot day, but Jessica was a trooper. I kept asking her if she wanted lunch, but all she wanted was an Icee... more time to ride the rides.

We ate dinner at Golden Corral (my kids like that they can choose anything they want). Although we were hot and tired we had a great time. We love you Jessica....you are AMAZING!

Friday, June 27, 2008

Susanna is Baptized

Happy 8th birthday to our little Susie. She was baptized on May 30th. We are so proud of her, this was a long time comming and at times we weren't sure if she was going to make it. She has a few bad habits that she is trying oh so hard to get rid of, but she is working hard. I know how hard it is to be 8, especially when you are a middle child, I too struggled to fit into my family and worked hard to get attention. Susanna, we love you so much and couldn't imagine our family without your sweet smiling face and all the fun you bring to us!


So, here it is... Summer Already! I can't beleive we made it through soccer season in one piece.

Caroline tried out for two teams and decided not to play on Wasatch Lightning but to go with Wasatch Flash. They are her age (which is a plus) and a much better team. I know Lightning will get better this year, they improved so much last year, but having her play with girls in Junior High was tough for a mom. I want her to stay little forever!

Gerald has been to Argentina and back already! He lost his camera on day one though, so we didn't even get to see pictures when he returned. That made me especially angry, the only reason I let him go is so I can share in the joy and pretend I am there with the pictures. He did get some sort of stomach bug, was sick the next week he was home, but had a lot of fun experiences, and that second stamp in his passport. For those of you that were celebrating my trip to Tahiti, well, much to my chagrin, it looks like that has been cancelled Sobbing I'll be okay though, I really will, I was just looking forward to a trip away from the kids and that first stamp in my passport.

Monday, March 31, 2008

Confidential to Carrie

I am so glad at the outcome of the trial. I know this book will be carried with you throughout your life, but at least we can close this chapter. Remember that none of what happened was your fault in any way, and perhaps one day, when you least expect it, love will find you again. I truly love you and pray for your happiness!

Soccer Mom

So, I thought I would update my blog a bit. Soccer season has officially started. With 4 children split between 5 teams (luckily Andrew is still too young) my time is no longer my own. I love to watch soccer. It is fast paced and dynamic, but I do admit, the practices, training, and games, not to mention the cost does wear me down easily. So, when I lose my temper, YOU KNOW WHY!

I also thought, hey, I'm not busy enough, I may as well take piano lessons too. It is something I have always wanted to do, but after 6 months of lessons when I was 12, my dad was laid off due to the recession. I had to quit. I am excited to learn, even at 34!

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Jayden is 5!

Okay, so I am a month behind, as usual, but I wanted to be sure to make note of Jayden's birthday. We went to the Treehouse museum and to McDonald's to celebrate.

Jayden is a wonderful boy! I can't beleive it has been 5 years. The thing I love most about Jayden is his loving personality. He always wants to make me happy. ( I remember when he was 3 and he told me he would become a doctor so I could have weight loss surgery because he knew how much I wanted it) He is always concerned about leaving me at home when he goes to school and often will come home from friends homes because he "misses mom".

Jayden, I love you and I am so glad you are part of our family!

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Andrew is 3!

I can't believe my baby it already 3. Time has gone so fast! Happy Birthday Andrew, we all love you.

Cell Phones

The Joys of New Technology….

Having a cell phone has been a must with a busy family, running to 4 overlapping soccer games, but it can also be a challenge. Here is our experience owning not one, but two cell phones.

Kathryn likes to be able to contact Gerald at any moment by dialing his cell phone (enough with explaining to the receptionist why she just called 15 times in the last 5 minutes). However, lucky for Gerald his vibrate only works ab0ut half the time… so Kathryn never knows if she is being ignored, or simply just not getting through. (Gives her an excuse to call another 15 times… or at least until Gerald answers!)

Caroline likes the Cell phone too, but apparently not enough to keep track of it… did she lose it at the restaurant or the library! Kathryn quickly cancels it, as she has never really trusted strangers, and can’t afford 150 calls to Tibet!

Jessica loves the convenience of giving mom and dad an update of how the family is doing and finding out when they are coming home, every 5 minutes, while they are out for their special “alone” time. So much for dates without the kids.

Susanna knows that a cell phone means she can reach mom at any moment to inform her of which friends house she will be at next.

Jayden has mastered speed-dial and often calls his dad and pleads “let’s do lunch” or just has to share his latest dream during Gerald’s early meetings at work.

Andrew learned mom was not as happy as he thought she would be for trying to help clean up. All he did was wash her phone in a glass of water… we don’t want any germs after all…

and apparently no working cell phones either.


McKenzie Family: 2007 Year-in-Review

Gerald: Enjoys his job immensely, promoted to Senior Associate, travels monthly to St. George to bask in the sun! Loves teaching nursery, there isn't a better calling than playing, snacks, and being called dad by every 3 year old in the ward! (Too bad his 11-year-Old Scouts couldn’t be as well behaved.)

Kathryn: Five kids, 5 soccer teams, 3 schools, Activity Days, and all! Learning she should have been a taxi driver… at least it would pay more!

Caroline: Loving 5th grade Spectrum. Filling her time with chimes, solo in school Christmas Choir, competition soccer, composing music (1st place in school reflections, learning all she can about Laura Ingalls Wilder, and just being a tween!

Jessica: Thinks 4th grades a blast! Friends everywhere, ears pierced, loves to read. Spent her birthday, yet again, at Yellowstone… seeing McKenzie cousins was the best part! Shining at soccer and dancing up a storm!

Susanna: Filling her mind with all the joys of 2nd grade. Too many friends and not enough time to play! Star on her soccer team. Preparing for baptism in the spring!

Jayden: Preschool is nice, but he misses his mom. Soccer is spectacular especially with dad as his coach. Flips on the trampoline and monkey bars have kept mom on the edge of her seat hoping not to have to make a trip to the emergency room!

Andrew: Learning letters, numbers, and anything else his little brain will soak up. Loving alone time with mom, reading books and taking naps. Never seen without at least one car in his hand. Nursery is a favorite and can often be heard yelling “WooHoo” as the family van pulls into the church parking lot Sunday Morning.

As you can see, we are a busy bunch but never too busy to wish you a “Merry Christmas!” We love you and wish you all the best as the New Year falls upon us! Merry Christmas!