Monday, March 31, 2008

Soccer Mom

So, I thought I would update my blog a bit. Soccer season has officially started. With 4 children split between 5 teams (luckily Andrew is still too young) my time is no longer my own. I love to watch soccer. It is fast paced and dynamic, but I do admit, the practices, training, and games, not to mention the cost does wear me down easily. So, when I lose my temper, YOU KNOW WHY!

I also thought, hey, I'm not busy enough, I may as well take piano lessons too. It is something I have always wanted to do, but after 6 months of lessons when I was 12, my dad was laid off due to the recession. I had to quit. I am excited to learn, even at 34!

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

I'm glad your taking Kathryn! Teaching you is so fun!