Wednesday, September 3, 2008

My CraZy Life

So, guess what, school started! For many mom's that's a great thing. For me, well, I hate it! I just want my kids home, I want to do things on my schedule, I want to not miss my kids all the time!

That's what I get when my best friends are 11, 10, 8, 5, and 3... maybe I should just make adult friends, but who has the time? I just filled out my September calendar and just with the few things I already know, I am swamped! So, I thought I would share a little of my schedule with you...

10 trips to Kaysville and back for Caroline's school
3 AYSO soccer teams (games and practice)
1 competition travel team (2 practices...again to Kaysville...and 2 games per week)
1 piano practice (my only time to myself... and Lindsey)
2 days morning pre-school (to Kaysville and back yet again!)
1 day morning play group (I teach/assist 2 months this year)
5 days afternoon kindergarten
1 husband who isn't home before 7 pm... many days 8 pm because of work
2 daughters begging to take dance

Friends, Family Home Evening, Date Nights, and all the other things have to fit in somewhere. Honestly, I feel like I am raising Andrew and Jayden in the van... who really needs a home anyway?

So, I don't post for you to feel sorry for me or to compare busy lives. I just post so you understand when I forget to show at an appointment, am extra crabby, or fall asleep during our next conversation.... PLEASE, PLEASE FORGIVE ME , this to shall pass...

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

Kathryn- you are so funny! and Wow! you are a busy woman. and yet you still have time to bike to school! :0 I'm doing it this week- It's not going to be nice out forever, is it?
you are amazing!